15 y 16 de agosto 2024

Campus Miraflores – Lima Perú

Conferencias Internacionales


Dr. José Muñiz

Ha publicado numerosos trabajos en revistas nacionales e internacionales en el campo de la Psicometría y la Evaluación Psicológica. Entre sus libros sobre diversos aspectos de la medición psicológica resaltan: Introducción a la Psicometría, Teoría Clásica de los Tests, Teoría de Respuesta a los Ítems, Psicometría, Análisis de los Ítems, o Introducción a la Psicofísica. Fundó y dirigió la revista Psicothema durante más de 30 años. Como becario del programa Fulbright llevó a cabo proyectos de investigación en la Universidad de Massachusetts de los Estados Unidos. Fue presidente de la Comisión Europea sobre Tests and Testing, presidente de la International Test Commission (ITC) y de la European Association of Methodology (EAM). Acumula numerosos premios y distinciones.

Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de Oviedo, y Doctor Honoris causa por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal de Perú. Actualmente es Rector de la Universidad Nebrija.


Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela

Mrčela is professor at the Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. She teaches Sociology of Work, Economic Sociology, Theories of Society and Gender, Work and Organisations. She is Head of the Organisations and HR Research Centre (FSS, UL)

Her teaching, research and consultancy activities are in the fields of industrial relations, gender and economy, post socialism, economic democracy. She has been involved in a number of Slovene and international research projects and networks. From 2015-2016 she was vice president and from 2017-2019 president of Slovenian Sociological Association.

From 2007 to 2011 she was Vice-Dean at the Faculty for Social Sciences UL. From 2015 to 2021 she was the Head of Doctoral School at the University of Ljubljana, since 2016 a member and since 2022 the Chair of the Steering committee of the EUA CDE (European University Association Council of Doctoral Education). From 2020 she is an external member of the Development Council of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Art. 


Ricardo Garcia Mira

Ricardo Garcia Mira is a Full Professor of Social Psychology at University of A Coruna, Spain. He is also a Visiting Professor of the Institute for Policy Research of the University of Bath, UK (2015-2024). Coordinator of the ENTRANCES project (EC – H2020), on Social Aspets of Energy Transition.

Doctor Honoris Causa by the ‘Alexander Ioan Cuza’ University, Iasi (2018). Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan (2021). Visiting Scholar at the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (2020). He was the President of the International Association for People-environment Studies -IAPS- (2014-2018). Fellow of the International Association of ApplIed Psychology -IAAP (2018-). Member of the Parliament of Spain in the XI and XII legislatures (Climate Change Spokesperson).

He has published more than 130 papers as articles, book chapters or research reports, on the field of people-environment studies. 

Facultad de Psicología

Jr. José Antonio 310, La Molina, Lima – Perú
